about me^^

My photo
name: EDLYN ORQUIOLA RETUCSAN; 18 years old; 4'10; 43 kg!^^ I am friendly kind of person, easy to be with, and sometimes I'm 100% CHILDISH but i can earn in my own way^^

my blog list..

  • HELP FOR STRUGGLING READERS - In this journal, the teacher noticed that several fourth or fifth-grade students are having a problem when it comes to reading a grade-level texts. When ch...
    13 years ago
  • LOVE :) - - I was on trip yesterday, I am holding a pen then I write L-O-V-E in: flowers, leafs, rock, wall, a piece of straw, empty bottle, and in a empty container...
    14 years ago

Friday, November 6, 2009

WAITING.. (nov. 7, 09)


Make haste to help me, O LORD!" the psalmist David prayed (Ps.70:1) Like him, we don't like to wait. We dislike the long lines at supermarket checkout counters, and traffic jams downtown and around shopping malls. We hate to wait at the bank or at a restaurant.

And then there are the harder waits:

a childless couple waiting for a child
a single person waiting for marriage;
an addict waiting for deliverance
a spouse waiting for a kind and gentle word
a worried patient waiting for a diagnosis from a doctor.

What we wait for, however, is far less important than what God is doing while we wait. In such times He works in us to develop those hard-to-achieve spiritual virtues of meekness, kindness, and patience with and to "rejoice and be glad" in Him (v.4)

F. B. Mayer said, "What a chapter might be written of God's delays! It is the mystery of which they are capable. What searching of heart, what analyzing of motives, what testings of word of God, what upliftings of soul... All these are associated with those weary days waiting, which are, nevertheless, big with spiritual destiny. --David Roper.

BE still, My child, and know that I am God!
Wait thou patiently-- I know the path and trod
so falter not, nor fear, nor think to run and hide,
For I, thy hope and strength, am waiting by thy side. --Hein

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

love your choice..

Its always up to you on how you're
going to run your life.

run it for good, or ruin it that bad,
yes, people will care and try to shift
you back to the right track.

but at the end of the day,
it's still your choice that matters.

CHOOSE what you LOVE,
then.. LOVE your CHOICE!

Friday, October 23, 2009

SATISFACTION (oct. 24, 09)

"Inner peace springs out of inner purity."

Pornography, once a secretive backdoor industry, is now out in the open. The easy access and anonymity of the internet have turned it into a multibillion-dollar-a-year "business." But it leaves a trail of broken families, ineffectivhristian leaders, and men who have lost the respect of their love ones.

The apostle John was known for his great love for Christ and His church. In 1 John 2:12-17, he warned fathers and young men against these three lusts:

- The lust of the flesh -- the insatiable appetite to indulge in pleasures that inflame the flesh but never satisfy.

- The lust of the eyes -- wandering eyes that continually want more riches and possessions but always remain covetous.

- The pride of life -- the vain mind that thirsts for man's applause. But the glory evaporates quickly.

Pornography damages users and victims alike. It feeds lustful desires in ways that can never satisfy. True satisfaction is found only when we give our affections to eternal things--to a right relationship with our heavenly father and with those He has created in His image.

"The world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever"
-1 john 2:17

Now none but Christ can satisfy,
none other name for me;
There's love and life and lasting joy,
Lord Jesus, found in Thee. -- McGanahan

Thursday, October 15, 2009

JESUS and SATAN competed

Jesus and Satan competed on computer:

they started typing and they did every known job, report, e-mails, attachments and downloads.
but before the time was up, Lightning, thunder, rain and brownout came!

Satan cursed.
Jesus just sighed.

When electricity was back,
Satan lost every single thing he had done.
But Jesus stared printing all his files.

Satan shouted:

Jesus just SMILED :)

coz' he did what Satan DIDN'T know...


one day...

God had a work for me to do.

He showed a rock and told me to push it with all my might.
For many years, I pushed and pushed but nothing happened.

The rock hasn't moved even an inch.

And discouragement, I asked God why am i failing..

The Lord responded:

--- OBEDIENCE to God is easy if we only know how to listen. He doesn't want us to suffer, He only wants us to learn! :)

JOY TO THE WORLD (oct. 15, 09)


When Christmas displays go up before Halloween displays come didn't think about Christmas until after thanksgiving. However, there may be legitimate reason to celebrate Christmas in October.

No one knows the exact day when Jesus was born, but December 25 is autumn, when the weather was still warm enough for shepherds to be out-doors with their flocks. We know that Jesus was crucified on Passover, and that the Holy Spirit came on Pentecost. So some scholars have reasoned that Jesus birth may have occurred on another Jewish holiday, the Feast of Tabernacles, or Sukkot.

Although we cannot know for sure, we do know that if would be in keeping with God's way of working to send His Son-the Word made flesh who "dwelt" ("tabernacled") among us (John 1:14) ---on the Feast of Tabernacles. Sukkot was a time when observant Jews lived in temporary dwellings and listened to the word of the Lord being read (Deut. 31:10-13)

For Jews, Sukkot is "the time of our rejoicing." For all of us, our time of rejoicing is the birth of Christ, who brings the joy of salvation to all the world. --- Julie Ackerman Link

Tidings, glad tidings! God is love,
To man He sends His salvation!
His Son beloved, His only Son,
The work of mercy hath begun. --Montgomery

The Word became flesh
and dwelt among us,
and we beheld His
glory, the glory as of
the only begotten of
the Father, full of grace
and truth. --John 1:14

I am missing him..

At this time, I am singing one of the hillsong that I used to listened but still I cant memorize. I don't know why I don't have a talent to memorize any song and If I did I easily forgot the lyrics of it.

You can hear the song, as my background music here in my blog.

it's entitle "HERE I AM TO WORSHIP"


Light of the world
You stepped down into darkness
Opened my eyes let me see
Beauty that made this heart adore You
Hope of a life spent with You

Here I am to worship
Here I am to bow down
Here I am to say that You’re my God

You’re altogether lovely
Altogether worthy
Altogether wonderful to me

King of all days
Oh so highly exalted
Glorious in heaven above
Humbly You came to the earth You created
All for love’s sake became poor

I’ll never know how much it cost
To see my sin upon that croscros

Call upon the name of the Lord
And be saved

-- You know what? I really want to worship God I don't know why its hard for me to do it. I really miss visiting our church at sindalan. I miss the place, I miss the way I worship him, I miss the people whom also worshiping him, I miss KUYA RURU who helping me to know God better than I used to know. I miss everything on that place.. and especially GOD.. kase feeling ko pag WALA ako sa lugar na yun parang napakalayo ko sa kanya. I know that HE ALSO KNOW that even if I do not have time to visit our church, deep in side of me I am longing to it.